Herbeautymark is a blog created by me, Mj, to help you make sense of today's fashion world.  Putting together an outfit can get tricky when it comes to perfectly positioned hemlines and what jewelry 'goes' with what your wearing. And who said applying liquid eye liner was easy? So, I've created this blog to help my viewers with whatever beauty needs or advice that their brains can conjure up for me to answer. That, paired with photos and breakdowns of my own makeup looks / outfit ideas equals one place to satisfy your beauty addictions. I write and review products of reason prices because I believe you can achieve the results you want from your makeup and skin care without breaking your bank. I encourage all women to begin their beauty regimen from the inside, carrying a confidence with you will exude it's own beauty.

I'm a recent graduate from college just entering into the health care field, so naturally I'm more of a left brained kind of girl, but my right brain is always jonesin' for some stimulation, and this blog is intended for that exactly. Talking about a bilateral mastectomy and how many vertebrae exist in the human spine is quite interesting don't get me wrong. But a chat over a new MAC collection or some J. Camp's excites my mind.

I'm just a young girl working on being a grown up. I wear my heart on my sleeve ( of a cute shirt of course ). I have a love for photography, fashion, dance, writing and food, and here I can speak of these things to people who share the same passion's that I do. Who knows where this will take me, or what direction I'll be thrown into next but at least I know I'll be going there in style.

I'm here to make my mark in the world of beauty ;*) I had to do it. heeheehee

If you have any questions or would like to work with HerBeautyMark, please contact me at